Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nutrition - Essay Example These enzymes hydrolyze the long peptides of the chyme to short peptides containing only 2 or 3 amino acids. Any unaffected protein particles that have escaped the gastric juice are digested. The ability of the intestine to digest, not only gastric peptides, but also intact proteins, makes possible the nutrition of people with achylia gastrica and even of persons who have had the stomach completely removed. The soluble digestive products then diffuse into the bacterial cell and are used. Protozoa usually sweep food particles and water into their bodies, at a fixed or a changed position; and these food vacuoles constitute temporary "stomachs" in which the digestion proceeds. Metazoa have permanent digestive organs, most elaborate in the mammals. Man's digestive system, or alimentary canal, is a continuous passage through the body, from mouth to anus, with special extensions into accessory secreting organs (glands) (Lipski, 2004). 2. Whenever an organism consumes food in the solid state, this must be brought into solution before it can be utilized. It is necessary, therefore, that such solid food be digested. In some organisms digestion may occur outside of the body, and this may constitute an important adaptation for those animals which are in the habit of eating animals larger than themselves (Lipski, 2004). Ordinarily, however, food is taken into the body and digested there. Digestion may occur in cavities of special organs such as the stomach or intestine, or it may occur within the protoplasm of cells. The latter type of digestion obviously takes place in protozoa. In organisms such as paramecium or ameba the ingested food is enclosed in a food vacuole, which serves the same purpose as the stomach or intestine of a complicated metazoan. Within the food vacuole the solid food particle is brought into solution. It must not be thought, however, that intracellular digestion is confined to protozoa. Moreover, in some animals rather higher in the evolutionary scale, there is also a certain amount of intracellular digestion (Holford 2005). These phagocytic cells even enter into the lumen of the stomach or intestine, ingest particles of food there and then carry these food particles back into the tissues and digest them there. Such intracellular digestion, however, is a primitive character and it does not occur to any extent in higher animals such as the insects and vertebrates. In the conversion of solid food to a state of solution, enzymes play the leading role. It will be necessary, therefore, to consider the subject of enzymes and the nature of enzyme action. It should be strongly emphasized, however, that enzymes are not concerned only with digestion, but that they are essential factors in all of the chemical activities of the organism (Lipski, 2004). The living organism is essentially a chemical engine, dependent for its growth, maintenance and energy on chemical reactions. These reactions are controlled by catalysts. One of the most striking achievements of modern biology and biological chemistry is the isolation of more and more of these catalysts so important for the vital process. Once isolated, it is possible to study their behavior in test tubes or other suitable containers. In other words, one can detach from the living material certain non-living substances capable of causing or promoting the complex chemical transformations which constitute a major part of the mystery of protoplasm. The substance

Monday, October 28, 2019

High school Essay Example for Free

High school Essay I’m one of this people that will take every single opportunity from every chance I take, so I can make the whole journey worth it. Becoming a Global Intern is a one life opportunity that can change your whole life to better. This will allow you to see new directions, new point views, new experiences. It’s a way for you to get to see the world, to explore it, to meet different cultures, which can help you build your own personality and even make you a better person. Since I was in Elementary School I wanted to go to the United States. Finally, in 2012, there I was, realizing my dream. After that, I realized that it wasn’t only the USA that passionate me, it was the feeling of traveling, the feeling of exploring somewhere new, being able to learn new things, to be free, to have more knowledge. And that’s what I want for my life, I want to be able to get to know every single spot on this world, I want to learn new languages, and help those people around the world. I also have this huge desire to go to a college aboard, it’d be something that I could never experience in my own country. One of my dream professions is to become a doctor, because when you help a patient, you are not only helping their life, you’re saving their families happiness. When you’re helping a kid in their last few days to smile, this is an unique feeling, in this way I look up for this beautiful career. However, since I was little I wanted to become an actress, I’m addicted to movies, especially those that bring hope in your life, those that have a message after all. It’s a way I can express myself, I can play a role every day and this makes me learn different subjects. Three years ago, you would give up hope in this world, but there are still people that are trying to make a difference, trying to help it to survive. There were and there are many influent people and I want to become one of them. Becoming a global intern will be my chance to find myself and to do what I love most and I truly hope that it becomes reality because you can only find out what is possible if you never give up.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Market Analysis and International Investment

Market Analysis and International Investment 1-(A) From various editions of the Economist, collect time series data of Big Mac prices for 3 countries and assess whether Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) holds. Discuss whether the (Big Mac Index) is a good Price index to be used in this analysis. Answer: The economist’s Big Mac index shown in table 1 has been used since 1986 as an indicator aimed to assess how PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) stands against most traded currencies such us the US dollar. Before entering into further analyses, it is worth providing some relevant information on the PPP theory and assess whether the Big Mac index implicitly delivers points of comparison that subsequently reflect exchange rate parity conditions across 120 nations where this worldwide known burger is largely sold.[1] Purchasing power parity theory by Rudiger Dornbush (Salamanca School) attempts to explain that two currencies adjust in compensation owing to the difference between the rates at which the two countries under watch are inflating. In relation to this, the underlying principle of the PPP theory lies in the law of a single price. This law can be simply explained based on the commodities trade whereby companies around the world tend to purchase goods from countries where these are more competitive in terms of price.[2] Following this first hypothesis, there is a determination mechanism starting when goods are purchased abroad and at the same time the demand for foreign currency results in increasing the value of the currency and putting extra pressure on the price of the good itself. Based on this scenario, the PPP entails that two currencies should stand at a level where buying the same goods in the two countries is equivalent. Furthermore, the theory projects that real effective exchange rate will remain constant through time. Based on further research, this work lays out some elements that intervene as potential culprits for not letting the PPP system operates over a short and medium-term horizon. As a relevant consideration to the findings and major setback to the PPP theory, the foreign exchange market framework has changed considerably over the last years moving exchange rates from fixed to floating. In the same context, capital movements and internal policies now explain differentials in exchange rates rather than a simplistic scenario of supply and demand of goods.[3] For instance, in 1973 the oil embargo led unexpectedly the United States, Japan and Italy to depreciating their currencies as a result of currency pressure. According to Buiter and Miller (1992), the exchange rate accommodation mechanism has a much broader significance than the one explained by PPP’s scope; the exchange rate is a measurement of competitiveness as a progressive or â€Å"non-casual† variable. Therefore, exchange rate is a price that reflects an efficient international financial market as opposed to a predetermined state controlled through market forces exclusively. Supporting the previous introduction and with regard to the Big Mac index headway between two years in a row, PPP does not always hold. Moreover, due to the composition of the product, Big Mac does not reflect a truthful price index to determine whether an exchange rate is undervalued or overvalued. According to the economist magazine, Big Macs are not cross-border trading goods as approximately 55% to 60% of the product costing is represented by non-traded goods such us labour, rent and services. Therefore, a price index with no dependence on international trading cannot fully reflect exchange rate comparisons; every country has a unique competitive position mainly produced by internal structures and factors such us labour market, productivity and purchasing capacity. Purchasing power parity theory brings cear shortcomings and most of them can be determined superficially by the Big Mac index and its trend. The most commonly mentioned problems behind the use of PPP: Trade Barriers Changes in patterns of demand and output Similar purchasing patterns and taste in products Varying price indices Taxation Long-term vs. short-term outlook Table 1 shows full coverage for the Big Mac index over a large group of countries. As a complementary part of the analysis this work has chosen two currencies to compare against the US dollar and determine the PPP trend between 2004 and 2005. In 2004 the Big Mac price in the US was US$ 2.90 compared to US$1.26 in China and US$ 5.18 in Norway. In 2005 the corresponding prices represented an increment of the US price by 5.5% to US$ 3.06, 0.7% in China and 16.9% in Norway reaching prices of US$1.27 and US$6.06 respectively. Following the PPP theory, it indicates that exchange rates move to rectify changes in inflation rates. In 2004 China’s currency was 57% undervalued and Norway 79% overvalued; the model expects that an inflationary process in the US of 5.5% would have generated a rectifying movement to close gaps. On the contrary, while the Big Mac price index in the US rose by 5.5%, China’s currency dropped further from 57% undervalued to 59% and Norway continued the other direction and got appreciated dramatically from 79% to 98%. If Big Macs could be exported, no buyers would be looking at Norway since its real international competitiveness is far below. However, in terms of purchasing capacity the Norwegians are potentially capable of purchasing Big Macs as their income per head is considerably higher than in US and China. (B)Choose any two countries and collect (approximately) one year of daily data of a forward exchange rate, the spot exchange rate and the two corresponding interest rates. Can you make any arbitrage profits? Carefully discuss. Answer: To open the discussion about the exchange rate market and its relationship with interest rates, the answer introduces the concept of Eurocurrency market. This is a marketplace where participants make money through borrowing and depositing currencies at a price dictated by interest rates. In this regard, the transactions period varies as short as overnight and in some cases as long as five years. For this exercise the answer considers one participant and two currencies, US Dollar and GBP based on data from 2005 central bank statistics. On January 31st 2005, this person borrowed US$ 18’833.000 in the US and made the decision to arbitrage in GPB pounds. Diagram 1.0 illustrates the foreign exchange arbitrage based on the use of financial instruments to generate profits. Diagram 1.0 Source: Author calculations Borrowed at US$ 18’833.000 at 4.83% and one repayment at the end of the first year (365 day repayment of US$ 19’743.633) Evaluate potential arbitrage: Sell US$ 18’833.000 to buy sterling pounds at GBP/USD 1.8833 and obtained  £10’000.000 Made deposit of  £10’000.000 at 6.20% for 12 months and agreed to received  £10’482.999 Same take a forward contract to buy US$ 19’742.633 1year forward at sustaining GBP/USD at 1.8526 and sell:  £10’657.256; losses: ( £36.716) The arbitrage would produce losses as USD appreciates against the US dollar on a 12-month period; you cannot make profits. 2-(A) Discuss the importance of the exchange rate as an economic variable for international investment decisions or for importers and exporters. Answer: Exchange rates are a key factor that concerning their mechanisms of adjustments and vulnerability originates differential positions and volatility risk within an economic outlook. In relation to this effect, Buiter and Miller’s approach (1992) explains that monetary policies combining prices stabilisation, capital freedom and rational expectations in the foreign exchange market produce a â€Å"transitional† effect on the level of international competitiveness and leave industry sectors exposed.[4] For financial assets and exchange rates levels, international trade activities have rapidly evolved into a more developed and complex sector that operates freely within a global economic system and lead economies to frequently reaching higher levels of surpluses or deficits. On a daily basis scenario, portfolio strategist search for competitive positions worldwide that match investment targets. Concerning the structure of the investment, foreign exchange forecasts are a driving force at the stage of resources allocation and use of financial instruments (Derivatives). But how the exchange rates intervene as a decisive economic variable and in which sectors they deliver benefits or vice-versa? Milton Friedman gives his opinion to this question, starting by responding on the effects over exchange rates through monetary policies; he says â€Å"†¦..monetary policy actions affect asset portfolios in first instance, spending decisions in the second, which translate into effects on output and then on prices. The changes in exchange rates are in turn mostly a response to these effects of home policy (on output and prices?) and of similar policy abroad†¦..†[5]. If one assumed Friedman’s comments, domestic policies move exchange rates affecting decisions in a certain order. With regards to international trade, one of the most compelling examples on how exchange rates affect the performance of particular sectors compared to others is the case of the British economy. On one hand an overvalued pound has jeopardised to some extent the lack of competitiveness of the industrial production and exports in the UK by soaring internal prices and changing the productive structure of the country. Conversely, on the other hand the levels of interest rates together with a strong currency have triggered capital inflows, which are being allocated on different asset classes and also in the continuous boost of service sectors (i.e. Financial Services). To understand the mechanism linking imports and exports with exchange rates, Maurice Levi (1990) explains that on a supply and demand setting the supply curve of a currency illustrates the quantity of that currency supplied and the price of the currency, given by the exchange rate, the supply curve of a currency is calculated as a result of a country’s demand for imports. This event occurs when buyers pay for imports that are sold in foreign currency, then the country’s recipients of the goods must sell their domestic currency for the requested foreign exchange and when imports are invoiced in local currency the foreign beneficiary of the currency sells it. In any case imports result in the country’s currency being supplied. The amount of the currency supplied is equal to the value of imports.[6] On the contrary, the demand curve for a currency shows the value of the currency that is demanded at each likely exchange rate. The need to buy a country’s currency takes off from the need to pay for the country’s exports; the currency’s demand curved is derived from the country’s export supply curve, which shows the volume of exports at each price of exports[7]. To summarise the answer, exchange rates send strong signals to both, portfolio investors and international traders; however the degree of the effect varies depending on the competitive position of the economy. In terms of traded goods, exchange rates place the level of international competitiveness of goods compared to the same goods in other country. On investment allocations such us bonds and equities, an exchange rates outlook is essential to sustain or withdraw positions. In relation to investments, exchange rate risk is generated by uncertainty in the future exchange rates at which the asset or liability will be converted into dollars. Thus, bonds, foreign stocks, real estates and accounts receivable and payable may be subject to exchange rate risk if their value in home currency is beaten by exchange rates. Concerning imports and exports of services such us tourism, banking services, consulting, engineering amongst others react to exchange rates variations in the same way as imports and exports of goods. (B) Collect data for 3 countries of your choice and assess the importance of the exchange rate for international equity investors. Use different investment horizons. Equity investors react to market sentiments, set out overall investment positions and individual strategies underpinned by economic forecasts. Decisions are based upon a group variables and future scenarios; for instance it is widely recognised the existing inverse relation between interest rates and equities. When interest rates are moved up by major central banks such us the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England and Bank of Japan, shares lose momentum and in most of the cases fall. In terms of foreign exchange conditions, investors go long on equities when they feel comfortable with correct valuation of the currency and if the economy’s balance of payments works in line with the external position of the country. In other words, the exchange rate is determined by the aggregated equilibrium between currency demand and supply. If any country is not in the position to sustain its competitiveness on its currency it sends strong signal for investment decisions. The following three countries US, UK and China have been selected to understand how bursaries respond or relate to changes in exchange rate: US Dow Jones (1-Y Horizon) US is a highly liquid market, Chart 1.0 shows market transactions above 2 billion US dollars a day sustaining levels over 1 year horizon. The Dow index moved up from 10500 (approx) in June 2005 growing by 3.8% (approx) to June 9th 2006. In chart 2.0 Euro gains grounds on the US dollar by almost 5% over the same period as shown on the Dow Jones outlook above. Thus, Euro appreciated by 5% against US dollar and Dow Jones with a slight growth without losing transaction levels. Hence, no particular direct correlation is found on the two variables (Exchange rate and Stock Index). However, it is relevant to clarify that more components such us interest rates expectations, unemployment levels in the US and Euro land, mortgage activities, retail index and companies profitability have an effect on these trends. UK FTSE (2-Year Horizon) In a 2-year Horizon, FTSE shows strong momentum soaring by 22% (approximately from 4500 to 5500); uptrend with a relevant drop in June 2006 due to oil prices and decision on interest rates accommodation by the FED and ECB. This analysis in terms of the pound outlook shows two scenarios for the currency. In 2004 starts at GBP/USD1.82 falling to its 18-month lowest level to 1.72 (5.8%), then it picks up again and in less than 5 months rebounds to 1.85. Again the analysis does not find a direct relationship between a positive steady FTSE trend and sterling variations. CHINA Shanghai Composite 6-Month Horizon The third example involves Chinese Yuan and US Dollar, which have experienced international trade growth five times faster than in 1990s decade. On one hand, Chinese moved from being the 9th most important destination for US Exports to being currently the 4th delivering an impressive uptrend in 2005 above 20% increase (United States Trade Representatives, 2006). On the other hand, the effect of Chinese exports has been stronger, in 2004 china’s trade surplus with the US increased by 24.5% to 202 billion US dollars, the largest between two economies according to the Economic Policy Institute in 2006. Over the last 6 months, the Chinese Yuan has not followed a revaluation against the US Dollar; as it would have been expected due the international trade context explained before (only 2% appreciation). In relation to the Shanghai composite index, it has experienced spectacular growth outperforming other stock markets (44% increases in the same period). Based on these figures, the analysis indicates, exchange rate is not the driving factor to buy stock in China; investors continue forecasting strong growth in Chinese listed companies due to strong internal market performance, domestic consumption as well as industry development. 3- Today is the 16th of December 1998.You are a small importer/exporter having to pay  £5,000,000 on the 26th of February 1999.You are concerned about exchange rate risk and you are considering using currency futures to hedge your currency risk. What would be your hedged and unhedged outcome with hindsight? Carefully explain what will happen over this hedging period with your margin account. One Pound Sterling futures contract is  £62,500 and the initial and maintenance margins are $2,295 and $1,700 respectively. Answer: (Using spreadsheet â€Å"Market†) and concepts from Brian Kettell (Financial Economics p321-330) In futures the principle is to sell what is overpriced and buy what is underpriced. In this example if the GBP/USD is overpriced (futures) less US dollars per Sterling pounds you should sell the futures contract on February 26th 1999 (Long Position in the Spot Market), which means purchase GDP/USD at the Spot Rate Spot Price Futures GBP/USD 1.6750-08 1.6060-1.5998 (at a Premium) The advice for the US importer is to protect the US value by hedging 80 contracts of Sterling Pounds using futures contracts. However, in this case the US dollar as of February 26th when the payment will be made, the futures price shows a US dollar at a premium, which means, the dollar will appreciate. Action: Unit of Trading  £ Pounds Go long in the future market selling your futures contract (right to deliver at 1.6060) and holding on at the the Spot Market. Currency Hedge US dollar against British Pound:  £5.000.000 at a spot rate February 26th 1999: Action buy future Contracts:  £62.500 Number of contracts: 80 Value locked on December 16th 1998:  £62.500 x 1.6750= US$ 104.687 Value of each futures contract on February 26th 1999: £62500 x 1.6060 = US$ 100.375 Net Profit of each contract: US$4. 312 x 80 = US$ 344.960 (Hedging profits) At the end of the period, without hedging you would have benefited as US dollar got appreciated. However, with hedging you will obtain profit margins of US$ 4312 in each contract improving your initial margins. Bibliography Bank of England Statistics available at: Economic Policy Institute available at: The Economist Big Mac Index available at: Federal Reserve Statistics available at: Kettell, B. (2001) Financial Economics, Making Sense of Market Information: Prentice Hall: London Levi, M (1990). International Finance, the Markets and Financial Management of Multinational Business. McGraw-Hill Series in Finance: United States MacDonald R, Taylor M, (1992). Exchange Rate Economics Volume I â€Å"Monetary Policy and International Competitiveness: The problems of adjustments Willem H. Buiter and Marcus Miller, Published by Edward Elgar: England Walmsley, J. (1996). International Money and Foreign Exchange Markets, An introduction. Published by John Wiley Sons Ltd Baffins Lane Chichester. West Sussex Appendix Appendix I. Daily Data End month average Daily forward weighted interest premium/discount rate, instant Daily average of 4 rate, 12 months, US Spot exchange rate, access deposit, UK Banks base rates Dollar US $ into Sterling Bank branch accounts IUDAMIH XUDLDFY XUDLUSS IUMTHAI 04-Jan-05 4.75 -3.075 1.8833 n/a 05-Jan-05 4.75 -3.005 1.8881 n/a 06-Jan-05 4.75 -2.97 1.8754 n/a 07-Jan-05 4.75 -2.925 1.868 n/a 10-Jan-05 4.75 -2.905 1.8748 n/a 11-Jan-05 4.75 -2.85 1.877 n/a 12-Jan-05 4.75 -2.895 1.8932 n/a 13-Jan-05 4.75 -2.85 1.8806 n/a 14-Jan-05 4.75 -2.755 1.8684 n/a 17-Jan-05 4.75 -2.715 1.8593 n/a 18-Jan-05 4.75 -2.85 1.8669 n/a 19-Jan-05 4.75 -2.895 1.8769 n/a 20-Jan-05 4.75 -2.93 1.8706 n/a 21-Jan-05 4.75 -2.92 1.8693 n/a 24-Jan-05 4.75 -2.94 1.8757 n/a 25-Jan-05 4.75 -2.89 1.8647 n/a 26-Jan-05 4.75 -2.955 1.8815 n/a 27-Jan-05 4.75 -2.945 1.8864 n/a 28-Jan-05 4.75 -2.935 1.8829 n/a 31-Jan-05 4.75 -2.92 1.8859 2.18 01-Feb-05 4.75 -2.9 1.8799 n/a 02-Feb-05 4.75 -2.895 1.8848 n/a 03-Feb-05 4.75 -2.84 1.8794 n/a 04-Feb-05 4.75 -2.885 1.8858 n/a 07-Feb-05 4.75 -2.835 1.8657 n/a 08-Feb-05 4.75 -2.855 1.8561 n/a 09-Feb-05 4.75 -2.965 1.8578 n/a 10-Feb-05 4.75 -2.95 1.8712 n/a 11-Feb-05 4.75 -2.96 1.8654 n/a 14-Feb-05 4.75 -2.945 1.8869 n/a 15-Feb-05 4.75 -2.935 1.8872 n/a 16-Feb-05 4.75 -2.83 1.8786 n/a 17-Feb-05 4.75 -2.81 1.8906 n/a 18-Feb-05 4.75 -2.79 1.8944 n/a 21-Feb-05 4.75 -2.8 1.897 n/a 22-Feb-05 4.75 -2.9 1.9057 n/a 23-Feb-05 4.75 -2.985 1.906 n/a 24-Feb-05 4.75 -2.955 1.9077 n/a 25-Feb-05 4.75 -2.89 1.9153 n/a 28-Feb-05 4.75 -2.89 1.9257 2.18 01-Mar-05 4.75 -2.875 1.9198 n/a 02-Mar-05 4.75 -2.94 1.9101 n/a 03-Mar-05 4.75 -2.9 1.9084 n/a 04-Mar-05 4.75 -2.885 1.9258 n/a 07-Mar-05 4.75 -2.87 1.9139 n/a 08-Mar-05 4.75 -2.86 1.9311 n/a 09-Mar-05 4.75 -2.835 1.9212 n/a 10-Mar-05 4.75 -2.77 1.9236 n/a 11-Mar-05 4.75 -2.72 1.927 n/a 14-Mar-05 4.75 -2.64 1.9119 n/a 15-Mar-05 4.75 -2.61 1.9157 n/a 16-Mar-05 4.75 -2.65 1.9284 n/a 17-Mar-05 4.75 -2.595 1.9237 n/a 18-Mar-05 4.75 -2.555 1.9155 n/a 21-Mar-05 4.75 -2.515 1.8962 n/a 22-Mar-05

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Since it’s discovery in 1981, AIDS has become a worldwide pandemic. Over 30 million people have died since 1981 worldwide because of the silent virus. HIV, which is the abbreviation of human immuno deficency virus, has a worldwide effect because there is not a known way of curing the virus. HIV gradually destroys one’s immune system until their body is too weak to fight off disease, making it easy for a person to die from a simple infection like the flu, or a fever. Today, 33 million people and counting are living with this disease, and one in five are unaware of their infection. most of the 3.5–5.3 million Americans living with viral hepatitis do not know that they are infected, putting them in greater risk for severe or fatal complications from the disease, and increasing the chance that they will spread the virus to others. People living with AIDS or HIV can have trouble getting or maintaining work positions. Many people are afraid to be around people with AIDS because they do not want the disease to be transmitted to them. This assumption occurs because of lack of education on the subject. One cannot, in fact, contract HIV through skin to skin contact, unless infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluid comes in contact with an opening in one’s body. The issue of HIV/AIDS has not yet been resolved because of the lack of knowledge on the disease. Researchers do not know for sure why the illness weakens your immune system, and there is no cure for AIDS or HIV. There are, however, medicines that can keep the AIDS disease at bay, and freeze the progress of a current HIV infection. There are currently five different strains of HIV drugs. Each class of drugs attacks HIV at different points in it’s progression. This medication is stan... ...sitive, and that it is against Russian federal law for them to engage in sexual intercourse with another Russian citizen without telling them about their incurable disease. they are then sent away with no drug prescriptions, no counseling, and no knowledge on how serious the disease is. Between 1999 and 2000 more people died of AIDS in Africa than in all the wars on the continent. AIDS affects different segments of society in different ways. For example, children may have to care for an ill parent. Schooling may suffer as a result. Other times, children become orphans as parents succumb to AIDS. While poverty is obviously a main factor as to why AIDS is much more severe in Africa, political will of national governments is another cause. Constraints such as social norms and taboos, or lack of effective institutions have all contributed to the situation getting worse.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbour in 1941? Essay

In December 1941, the Japanese struck. A well-coordinated series of attacks across the Pacific, most notably the American naval base of Hawaii, bringing about Japanese dominance in South East Asia; sending a direct message to the ‘oppressive’ west. Japan for a significant period of time had been viewed by the US and its western allies as a major threat in the Pacific, and as a direct consequence of a series of the events tensions boiling point was reached and the climax of nearly 1/2 a century of rivalry exploded. â€Å"The Great War destroyed the multilateral balance of power in East Asia and left Japan and the United States directly confronting each other across the Pacific†; Japan’s continued growth as the leading industrial giant in Asia, allowed an increase in global power but to the Japanese they were never recognised in the manner in which they believed they deserved. Americas realization that this growth could threaten their superiority led to a num ber of subjective decisions but where they left too late, so late in fact that it was a point of no return, the imperialistic mindset of the Japanese was too full of honor to back down in the face of what seemed uncertainty. In the years succeeding the Great War, Japan had embarked on a meteoric rise in its industrial power, and rising concurrently was their global power; this was all achieved under the control of Emperor Hirohito, a man determined to meet Japans goals on the Asian mainland. Nevertheless, this industrial growth would not have been possible without the importation of a number of vital commodities such as oil and aviation fuel. These commodities were imported primarily from the US and if not directly from the Americans from a country allied to the isolationist giant. Yet the US was not blind to the progress of the small island of Japan, the sudden increase had not gone unnoticed and at the Washington Conference of 1921 a report was released that described â€Å"Japans naval armament as a ‘silent power’ with which is used to deter the United States†, in response to this the Americans ensured that the Japanese naval power was restricted to a position weaker than that of t heir own. Within Japan this was met with a feeling of aggravation with her status not being observed as that of a major global power; and not for the first time, Japan had been in a similar position following the Treaty of Versailles with land they had captured in the war being returned and her foreign ambitions once again quelled. Japan was becoming cognizant that â€Å"at some date, the US would interfere and disrupt Japanese goals† and having been used to foreign involvement the Emperor was not going to allow for the Americans to once again change Japan’s ambition: â€Å"the political, commercial and military dominance of the Western Pacific†. This aggressive policy towards its rivals in the Pacific has been attributed to a collection of reasons that led to the attacks in December 1941. To the Japanese they believed that they were entitled to expand their territory and with this being restricted it pushed the ruling elite into a position that, despite experts claiming there were alternative solutions Japan only saw one; and â€Å"war became the most viable option† to render them useless in preventing the objectives of Japan being met. Japan then expanded into Manchuria a military move that left the country isolated internationally. This coincided with the US government banning the export of oil and scrap metals to Japan if not from a licensed company, the first steps towards a complete embargo. Once Roosevelt had given the green light for the complete embargo things began to change internally in Japan as the ultranationalist’s consolidation of power continued ensuring expansion was not held back. This consolidation of power by the ultranationalists was crucial in the decision to attack Pearl Harbor, they felt Japan needed to use what it had learned from WW1 and ensure a ‘quick showdown’. With no oil coming into the country they were left with no choice but to go on the military offensive to keep their booming industry alive. This embargo had put the leading figures in Japan in a position of serious decision making, they could no longer allow being ‘disrespected’ on the internationa l stage; and â€Å"Japan now defined the United States as its foremost enemy in terms of both capabilities and intentions†. Coinciding with the embargo President Roosevelt moved the US fleet to Hawaii in order to discourage Japans expansive ambitions in the Pacific, and with the army officers of Japan being of a militaristic nature it led to a push for action and this action was to be the first strike in what was to become the Pacific War. It can be therefore suggested that the reasoning behind the attack on Pearl Harbour came as a consequence of the humiliation Japan felt it had endured on an international level at the hands of the United States. The United States was a country that â€Å"from the perspective of the Japanese government, was unnecessarily intervening in affairs in which it had little specific, concrete interest†. Despite the continued interference of the Americans in preventing Japans expansive actions, civilians paid little attention to Japan despite the strong racist feelings between the two countries, a feeling that was highlighted by the San Francisco School incident; further increasing tensions between the two feuding powers. The incident was one of five key provocations that the Japanese used to justify their surprise attack; yet despite the increasingly hostile foreign policy aimed in the direction of Japan, little was done to increase military support by the Americans; allowing the Japanese to feel confident enough to attack Pearl Harbour with the hope of undermining American morale, such that the US government would drop its demands contrary to Japanese interests. However, there is no hiding the pivotal reason behind the attacks and this was the defilement of the economy. The destruction of the Naval fleet was a direct â€Å"retaliation for America’s existential attacks on Japans economy†. Coupled together with naval limitation, the unequal treaties and the continued dishonor on the international stage, Japan felt it best to strike swiftly rendering the US military presence in the Pacific non-existent. The elite of Japan was not prepared for the catastrophic consequences of their attack on Pearl Harbor, at the time what was such a successful foreign attack, it turned out to be the defining moment in not only the War but in Japan’s history. Some argue that the attacked doomed Japan by waking a sleeping giant, a giant that up until the point of attack was happy to find a compromise with Japan over the issues in the Asian region. Moreover, the awakening of this giant gave a reason for the whole US military machine to be set in motion; Clay Blair and Mark Parillo â€Å"believed that Japanese trade protection was so incompetent that the US submarines alone would have strangled them to defeat.† Had the Japanese put more time into planning out the response of the US they would have seen to enter the military conflict directly was not the way to go. However they did not highlight this as an issue and the awakening of the Americans ultimately led to the most devastating of con sequences, this was the subsequent dropping of the 2 atomic bombs on Japanese soil, killing 100,000 instantly with the death toll rising for decades thereafter. Despite this Japan did enjoy some positive consequences, the attack allowed a significant area of the Pacific to be conquered and held for a period of time. By conquering these lands, as a direct result of Pearl Harbour, Japans economy continued with a positive trajectory, and the populace continued its â€Å"strong support for the Japanese attack†. Japan had met its goals, the Navy of the US had been removed as a threat for the time being and Japan won every major battle until Midway in June of 1942. However had the military officials of the rising power in Asia targeted the crucial shore facilities that housed the oil reserves, the damage inflicted could have been existential. Consequently, the attacks had the opposite impact on the Americans themselves, â€Å"American attitudes about the war change radically†. This consequence allowed the full force of the US military machine to be put into action, a consequence that conclusively led to the defeat of Japan. Pain and rage swept across the states, a strong feeling of nationalism returned. The surprise attack was seen as ‘unjust and malevolent’ and the racism that had been rife prior to the attack in 1941 was now at the point of Japanese immigrants within America being sent to detention camps for the duration of the war. A reaction that the militaristic government of Japan had not foreseen. And although attempts had been made to prepare the country for war through the publication and use of anti-US propaganda, many were still ‘apprehensive and dismayed’ at the news Japan was now at war with the Americans. With this as a direct result of the Pearl Harbor attack, it did no favors for the morale amongst Japanese citizens who were aroused with both alarm and anger subsequent to the attack. In the long term, Pearl Habor bored more sententious ramifications that struck a blow to the honor and integrity of a once feared nation. Following the decimation of Japan with the dropping of the atomic bombs it was thought that the consequences to the attacks on Pearl Harbor had come to their end, yet this was not the case; American occupation was to follow. It is easy from here to trace back the source of this occupation, had the torpedoes not been dropped on the US naval fleet then it is highly unlikely that the ‘giant’ would have entered the war in the Pacific and engrossed itself in the dealings of Japan.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Handling Windows Messages the Delphi way

Handling Windows Messages the Delphi way Delphi, youve got message to handle! One of the keys to traditional Windows programming is handling the messages sent by Windows to applications. Simply put, a message is some information sent from one place to another. For the most part, Delphi makes message handling easy through its use of events, an event is usually generated in response to a Windows message being sent to an application. However, someday you may want to process some uncommon messages like: CM_MOUSEENTER which happens (is posted by Windows) when mouse cursor enters the client area of some component (or form). Handling messages on their own requires a few extra programming techniques, this article is here to help us find the right way through the message river and grap needed information. Strategies to Manipulate Windows Messages With Delphi Drag a Window: No title bar! How can you drag such a window? Its easy and fun: lets make a Delphi form move by clicking (and dragging) in its client area. The main idea is to get your hands on the wm_NCHitTest windows message.How to send information (String, Image, Record) between two Delphi applications (WM_CopyData): Learn how to send the WM_CopyData message between two Delphi applications to exchange information and make two applications communicate. The accompanying source code demonstrates how to send a string, record (complex data type) and even graphics to another application.Sticky Windows: This strategy allows you to dock your Delphi forms to the edges of your desktop screen.Monitoring Registry Changes: Need to get notified about changes to the attributes or contents of a specified Registry key? Then you are ready for this your Delphi code toolkit.Sending Messages to Non-Windowed Applications: This strategy is used to send messages (signals) to non-windowed applications by u sing AllocateHWND and DefWindowProc. You should understand what Delphi does in the background to intercept Windows messages, how can you write your own message handler for a windowed application and how to obtain a unique message identifier that you can safely use in your applications. There is also a small bug in the Delphi DeallocateHWND procedure that you can fix along the way. Controlling the Number of Application Instances: In this article youll learn how to run-once enable a Delphi application that can check for its previous (running) instance. Along the process, several techniques of implementing such a check will be discussed; as well as how to bring your already running application to the foreground, if a user tries to run it one more time. By the end of the article youll have a copy-to-go code to control the behavior of your applications multiple instances: with the option to limit the number of running instances.How to Handle System Time Change Using Delphi Code: If you need to react when system date time has changed you can handle the WM_TimeChange Windows message.How to Draw Custom Text on a Delphi Forms Caption Bar: If you want to add some custom text on the caption bar of a form, without changing the Caption property of the form you need to handle one special Windows message: WM_NCPAINT (along with WM_NCACTIVATE).How to Display Menu Item Hints: By (Windows) design, in Delphi applications, hints assigned to menu items do not get displayed in the popup tooltip window (when the mouse hovers over a menu). Get, Set, and Handle Display Device Modes (Screen Resolution and Color Depth): This strategy allows you to change the Windows display mode settings (resolution and color depth) from Delphi code. You can also handle the WM_DISPLAYCHANGE Windows message sent to all windows when the display resolution has changed.Get Current URL From IE: There is a Delphi tactic to retrieve the full URL of all opened Internet Explorer instances.Detecting and Preventing Windows Shut Down: You can use Delphi to programmatically cancel Windows shut down action.Display a Password Dialog: Suppose you have a data-critical type of application where you would not want a non-authored user to work with the data. What if you need to display a password dialog *before* the application is restored to make sure an authorized user is accessing it.Remove the Windows Constraint on Minimum Form Size: By Windows design, a form (window) has a size constraint that sets the minimum form height to the height of the caption bar and the width to 112 pixels (118 in XP theme). How to Detect a TPopupMenus OnClose (OnPopDown) Event: Unfortunately, the TPopupMenu does not expose an event you can handle that will fire when the menu gets closed - either after a user has selected an item from the menu or has activated some other UI element.Trapping Messages Sent to an Application: ...Delphi surfaces the OnMessage event for the Application object. The OnMessage event handler is supposed to allow you trap every message sent to your application...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Nike Debate Essays

Nike Debate Essays Nike Debate Essay Nike Debate Essay Case:Â   Nike:Â   The Sweatshop Debate 1. Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own, but where subcontractors make products for Nike? Yes, Nike is not only responsible but also accountable for the working conditions of foreign countries that it does not own. Nike should realize that it is a Global Organization and working globally does not only mean that taking advantage of low cost destination but also taking responsibility of the contractors/employees working in other countries. For example: Pepsi was recently in the news for allegations of having pesticides in the cold drink in India. Pepsi ensured that it has same standard of water purification across the world and not just meeting standards in the Indian Market. Similarly, Pepsi should realize that while they are getting cheap labor in low-cost destinations but at the same time they need to be socially responsible to ensure that the workers get minimum wages and work in conditions that are acceptable in respective countries. 2. What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, or those prevailing in the United States? There need to be combination of standards for Nike. If Nike follows only the standards (wage rates) prevailing in Unites States, it might not be able to enjoy the cost advantages that they are realizing by off shoring manufacturing of shoes. However, if Nike adopts the standards prevailing in the country of manufacturing then it is not able to comply with some of the Human Rights related issues that global organizations should comply with. Hence, it is very important that Nike designs a combination of standards that ensures that workers get at least the minimum wages in the respective country but the working conditions should be acceptable enough for workers to work and the minimum age limit of workers should also be enforced strictly. 3. An income of $2. 28 a day, the base pay of Nike Factory workers in Indonesia, is double the daily income of about half the working population. Half of all adults in Indonesia are farmers, who receive less than $1 a day. Given this, is it correct to criticize Nike for the low pay rates of its subcontractors in Indonesia? The daily wage rate in different countries is fixed by the labor laws in that country. The daily wage rate also differs by the skill of workers, type of city the worker lives/works in and the prices of essential commodities in the city/state. Hence, the daily wage of workers in factories manufacturing Nike shoes may be higher than farmers in the same city/state. If Nike’s contractors are not abiding the minimum wages for the type of skill and working conditions in which these workers work in, then Nike need to be criticized. If Nike’s contractors abide by the minimum wages set by a class of workers depending upon their skill and working conditions, then Nike cannot be criticized and comparing wages of one set of workers with another set of workers like farmers may not be correct. 4. Could Nike have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better? What might it have done differently, not just from a public relations perspective, but also from a policy perspective? Nike could have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better from a policy perspective. Nike could have enforced norms for all the contractors, who are manufacturing either shoes or apparels for Nike across countries, to abide by the local rules and also created some new norms that would apply to all the factories that manufacture Nike’s products. Nike should have published the names of all the contractors across countries abiding by the local working conditions and wages. They should have also requested the local labor inspectors in different countries to do an audit of their factories on a regular basis to ensure that contractors comply with the local laws in their respective countries. 5. Do you think Nike needs to make any changes to its current policy? If so what? Should Nike make changes even if they hinder the ability of the company to compete? Nike needs to ensure that all the contractors comply with the wages and local working conditions in respective countries. Nike can do this either by appointing a labor inspector in each of the factories for all the contractors and asking them to report the details of all the workers working in their respective factories and this report need to be reviewed by legal experts at the country level and worldwide level to ensure that all the laws are in compliance by contractors of Nike. Any non-compliance should be considered seriously and serious actions should be taken against all such contractors, which might result in termination of contracts with such factories. In fact, Nike should go ahead and open schools for children of workers working in their factories across different countries to take care of the developments of its workers across the globe. Nike should make such changes even if this means termination of contracts with non-compliance factories or more expenses for development of workers in factories. This is because all organizations in today’s world affect the society and hence they need to be sensitive towards the conditions of the employees and the society. Thus, Nike should engage in Cause Related Marketing (CRM) by ensuring that working conditions are made better in all the factories and also ensuring that developments of workers happen so that they are not devoid of good working conditions, food and respectable wages. 6. Is the WRC right to argue that the FLA is a tool of industry? WRC has claimed that FLA is tool of the industry as they found certain evidence, which were not being followed in Nike’s factories. It may be possible but WRC should provide some time to FLA to ensure that all the factories of Nike are compliant with the local labor laws in respective countries. WRC should audit some of the factories which FLA has declared as compliant with local labor laws to ensure that it is not a tool of the industry. The change management across all the factories of Nike for ensuring compliance will take some time and hence WRC need to ensure that FLA does its job of creating compliance in a foolproof manner. 7. If sweatshops are a global problem, what might be a global solution to this problem? Sweatshops are a global problem as organizations have started working in a global environment. The Organizations need to be sensitive to the laws of different countries and also accountable toward the workers / employees / contractors of low cost destinations to ensure that they work in better working conditions and abide by the rules and regulations of countries in which they operate in. b. Next summarize the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in your selected case. Also comment on recent global developments affecting the company in this case. Strategic Challenges Identifying low cost destinations for ensuring cost efficiencies Ensuring synergy of product specifications across different manufacturing locations Ensuring consistent quality across manufacturing locations Operational Challenges Ensuring consistent wages across different manufacturing locations across countries Ensuring similar working conditions across different manufacturing locations across countries Ensuring development of employees across regions

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Picassos Les Desmoiselles DAvignon essays

Picassos Les Desmoiselles DAvignon essays Though the backbone of art was formed by academies that graduated classical artists, some of the most influential artists broke away from such academies to change the rules. Impressionists, led by Claude Monet, formed a group of artists originally rejected from the academies to paint in their own "objective reality." They painted art as sifted through their senses; taking into account the environment's affect on an object or placing the focus on everyday activity, the impressionists helped redefine art. While they started the process of the transformation of art, Pablo Picasso advanced it many times over. Though classically trained, Picasso painted art by what views he saw in his head and imagination, not by how his eyes or other senses interpreted a scene. He shamelessly broke all the classical rules of three-dimensional space, colors, figures and subject matter. Distinguishing his work from that of a camera and of other artists, Picasso redefines art for the future in a metho d called "cubism." In Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon, he paints his initial attempt at breaking all classical rules and distinguishing himself from every other artist in history. One aspect of Pablo Picasso's art that distinguishes him from earlier artists is the lack of three-dimensional space displayed in his art. In Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon, the five lady figures seem to be enveloped in what might be construed as the background. In contrast to earlier Raphael paintings for instance, where red drapery serves as a frame for Mary and baby Jesus, Picasso's figures appear to be actually wearing the drapery. The far woman on the left appears without clothes, except for the piece of red drapery strewn across the right side of her body. Each successive figure shows her full body with the exception of where the drapery covers her. By redefining the three-dimensional space and forcing the characters to take on the full focus of the viewer, Picasso forces t...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What's a good solution to the problem of bullying Stopping Mean Girls Essay

What's a good solution to the problem of bullying Stopping Mean Girls From Taking Over the Playground - Essay Example Both authors agree that the problem is made worse by parents who enable their daughters and take pride in their being â€Å"top dog† in schools and the playground. These parents are actually missing the point. Their daughters are not growing up to be empowered individuals because they do not live in a world where a check and balance exists with punishements for grevious acts such as playground or school bullying that leads another little girl to take her own life. Mean girl bullying is a real problem that has yet to find a workable solution. Through this paper, I would like to present certain suggestions as to how the problem might be best dealt with with or without the cooperation of the parents of the bully / mean girl. According to Jessica Bennett, the problem of mean girl behavior has gotten so out of hand lately that, due to the fact that it has already caused the deaths of a number of young girls through suicide, authorities should consider turning bullying resulting in death into a crime. Maybe with a punishment of 10 years in jail (Bennett, Jessica â€Å"From Lockers to Lock-Up†). Due to the behavior of the girls involved in the Pheobe Prince case, she might be suggesting an action that makes sense. However, before judgement is passed upon the mean girl, one should first look at the history of the mean girl in order to find out if she is merely acting out or actually beyond help. Maybe the relational agression that is being displayed has something to do with the family life of the girl. According to sources at the website KidsHealth, most bullies come from: ... families where everyone is angry and shouting all the time. They may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves (â€Å"Dealing with Bullies†). Taking a cue from that statement, it is important for school authorities, specially the guidanc e counselors to keep an open line of communication with the mean girls or bullies in order to determine the source of aggression. Since women are more docile in nature, even when with peers of her own age, and tend to be more influenced by their mothers actions, it is quite possible that the victim and mean girl are acting out roles based upon their own mother's actions and advice. In which case, it is important to inform the girls about the repercussions of their actions and the fact that no girl is expected to act in the same manner as their mothers. The school authorities should also ensure that anti-bullying programs are in place in school as well. Perhaps reimposing classes in good manners and right conduct are in order. Such classes teach students the proper way to treat one another and their elders as opposed to the â€Å"Kardashian† type of treating one another or even the â€Å"Gossip Girl† type of friendships. Since most of these girls are easily influenced b y the entertainment media, most specially the reality shows, they should be taught to tell the difference between reality and â€Å"entertainment reality† â€Å"Growing Old Younger† may be the hip word among the girls these days but just because they know how to act mature does not mean they are mature. They are totally unprepared for real life and think that by play acting, in the same manner that the television shows portray, they are actually aging faster (Paul, Pamela â€Å"The Playground Gets Even Tougher†). The Girl Scouts of America actually have an anti-bullying program that could benefit the public and private schools called â€Å"Be a Friend First† (BFF). This program teaches young girls to stand up for one another with bullies and encourages them to become part of the solution to the mean girl problem by using tools that

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Role of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations in the Research Paper - 1

The Role of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations in the Conservation of Fish Stocks - Research Paper Example Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Agreement came into effect on 4 August 1995 for the conservation and management of straddling fish stock, and highly migratory fish stocks. Part VII of the Agreement deals with living resources of the high seas through Article 116, Article 117, Article 118, Article 119 and Article 120. Before delving deep into the functions of the fisheries management organisations it is of great concern to know what the UNCLOS Articles state on the role of the regional fishery management organisations. Under Article117, the concerned state has a responsibility to follow with regard to its citizens assess for management of the marine resources of the high seas. Cooperation with other states in this regard is central to the conservation of marine resources on the high seas (UNCLOS). Under Article 118, the spirit of Article 117 is taken ahead through cooperation states shall take fresh steps and enter into accords with other states for commercially using the similar water resources or dissimilar water resources on the same region with the purpose of conserving the water resources. It is the responsibility of the states to set up regional or sub-regional fisheries organisations (UNCLOS). (a) found suitable as based on scientific knowledge on which the concerned states can depend upon for preserving the fish populations of cropped species at standards that ensure long-term production as based on suitable environmental and economic considerations, particularly of the developing countries, considering the fishing methods at all levels of fishing – regional, sub-regional and international; (b) States pay attention to the impact on the species related to or relying on harvested species with the aim of preserving fish populations of such related or relying on species beyond limits at which their populations could not be increased through breeding.

Communication, Conflict and Decision-Making Essay - 1

Communication, Conflict and Decision-Making - Essay Example This essay discusses that in every society, communication is the backbone of professional and social relationships. Communication facilitates the flow of ideas and/or concepts from one given source to the other. The best process of communication needs the existence of a message sender, as well as the receiver. Individuals share the views and ideas through the thriving process of communication. For any communication process to be regarded as thriving, the receiver must comprehend the message content in accordance with the sender’s aim. This means that certain processes of communication lead to unsuccessful ends. Thus, it is worth noting that communication process encounters some hindrances that deter efficient information delivery to the anticipated parties. No matter the effort put in to evade a conflict, it appears to always arise at the worst moments. Thus, ineffective communication leads to a conflict of views or ideas among the parties involved. During communication, confl ict begins from a merely simple flicker of emotions or varies all the way to supportive proof that one presents. While conflict may lead to both positive and negative impacts, this social disagreement may boost maturity of social abilities among the individuals involved. Conflict management involves the application of measures that promote the advancement of positive effects forms a social discord. Efficient conflict management process promotes learning among parties involved and the entire society on how to address incompatible vies in the future.

Forensic Computing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Forensic Computing - Case Study Example This involves data recoveries, retrievals, analysis, and tracing and decrypting of all the data that has been used in any deceitful activity. The word forensic is used in the context of legal argumentation. Forensic computing is also termed as digital forensics and cyber forensics. It is a branch of forensics related to computer and other digital media. It involves collection, preservation and analysis of the data available on the computer. The definition presented by Computer Forensic world: the field primarily involves â€Å"use of analytical and investigative techniques to identify, collect, examine, and preserve evidence /information which is magnetically stored or encoded† (1). In other words, forensic computing deals with retrieval of data, and events reconstruction that was performed over the digital media. The scope of forensic investigation involves audio examinations, signal interpretation, repairing the damaged media. Photogrammetry is another aspect of digital fore nsic tracking that includes measuring and monitoring the physical measures of an image by making use of geometric formulae and then making a comparison based on on-site observations. Several factors come as constraints along with computer forensics and the first being the costs since all the equipment used in these processes is high tech and state of the art, large investments are inducted into it. The second hurdle that could be faced by the forensic body is the approval and acceptance of all the proofs by the court. They must prove it to the court that no information is altered and all the legal responsibilities have been fulfilled while conducting the operations. The staff inducted in digital forensic must be knowledgeable and should be able to think about many possibilities and should have knowledge beyond the books. Potential clues and areas that the forensic team would target DNA samples Voice samples Any image used in the process The network used for performing the task ( usu ally in case of credit card and bank accounts forgery) Fingerprints on the electronic equipments Answering machines recordings Miscellaneous electronic equipment Introduction: The aim of forensic computing is to make online activities secure, stop illegal activities that are going on, identify and apprehend the guilty, avoid financial and personal damages to individuals and organizations that might be incurred by the online use. Standard procedures must be followed and all the evidence brought in front of the court must be in a formal pattern that can stand as evidence. In case of actions, warrants are obtained from the authorities for the areas and houses that are suspected of any wrongdoings. A giant step in the direction of forensic computing was taken in 1984 when the F.B.I Magnetic Media Program was created which was later converted into Computer Analysis and Response Team (C.A.R.T). F.B.I report for the year 2003 reported a total of $900,000 netted through computer crime (2). By 2003 F.B.I (C.A.R.T) were looking into 783 terabytes of data as a case of forensic evidence and cases handling. In 1997 G8 ordered training of individuals for looking into matters related to online counterfeit activities .C.A.R.T provides assistance to F.B.I in tracking e-evidence and accessing the accounts and provides other technical support needed by F.B.I in conducting forensic activities. Part of C.A.R.T job is to monitor live activities that are going online. Their task is to provide monitoring in business environment including the banks and government-owned organizations, insurance companies, personal accounts that contain the people’s private life and their safety concerned, corporate level that includes the annual reports, facts and data and institutes of any region whose data can be misused by any fraudulent activities performed online.     Ã‚  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hammurabi's Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hammurabi's Code - Essay Example The Code of Hammurabi reveals the stratification in the society. It should also be noted that the right and punishment of the individual is largely based on his social class. The Babylonian society into three distinct classes namely the free-born man, the freed man, and the slave. Occupying the highest level of social strata, the patrician enjoys the most rights and privileges. However, more is also expected of him as his punishments are heavier and more severe than the lower ones. For example, Hammurabi stipulates, â€Å"If a physician heal the broken bone or diseased soft part of a man, the patient shall pay the physician five shekels in money. If he were a freed man he shall pay three shekels. If he were a slave his owner shall pay the physician two shekels† (Johns 218-220). Hammurabi also stresses the important position of temple in the society stating that its â€Å"foundation stands firm as heaven and earth† (Johns 285). Thus the people serving in the temples being dedicated to this scared purpose live a vow of chastity and are prohibited from entering the tavern (Johns 113). The Code of Hammurabi encompasses different societal aspects namely property law, leasing, hired labor, debt, trade, family law and punishment. One of the most noted laws which are still very famous today are his stand on â€Å"a tooth for a tooth† and â€Å"an eye for an eye† (Johns 198). It also stipulates the sanctity of marriage and that each party should fulfill their own obligations to each other (Johns 128-130). I believe that the Code of Hammurabi is very important noting its significance in illustrating the early Babylonian civilization. It also shows that inequality and social stratification is a common feature of any culture and punishments vary according to a man’s position in the society. However, even though Johns has been very successful in

Economic policy and global environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic policy and global environment - Essay Example Over the span of the last decade, Singapore’s economy has shown growth at an average rate of 5 percent per annum (Ministry Of Manpower, 2013). Average growth rate of real GDP has been maintained at 8.6 percent between the years 2004 and 2007. Although the growth slackened in 2009 as an influence of the financial that hit almost all countries in the world, the economy rebounded by a growth rate of 14.8 percent in 2010 (CIA, 2013). At present the country’s GDP is $325.1 billion (2012 estimate) (CIA, 2013). This growth has been achieved through increase in productivity in the different sectors in the economy; particularly the financial services sector has depicted significant improvement. Average productivity growth has been nearly 1 percent per annum. The growth rate has matched pace with the productivity growth rate found in other developed nations. The broad range of the citizens of Singapore also enjoyed the benefits of increasing real wage rate. This has in effect led to an increase their standard of living. The government must play an active role in developing a pulsating style of life for the average Singaporean and transform the country into a distinctly recognizable global city and â€Å"a leading cultural capital† (Ministry of Finance, n.d.), containing such good attributes as, openness, integrity and diversity (NPTD, 2013). Growth in productivity allows the country to make it the most excellent place to live and grow, â€Å"a home that provides an outstanding quality of life† (MOF, n.d.) for the people. Utilization of sound financial system: vast public expenditures The remarkable growth in productivity in the economy has been possible through strategic participation of the government sector in the growth process along with the private sector. The government of Singapore has a sound finance system. Unlike those other governments, Singapore does not face the threat of deep slashes in public expenditure or rising tax rates as a n aftermath of financial crisis. Therefore, the Government can make vast expenditures in the field of quality education, research and development, development of infrastructure and communication. A total budget of US $10.6 billion was allocated to the Ministry Of Education Government for FY2012, The major proportion of which has been dedicated to the development of special education schools, poly technique colleges and technical education institutes. This creates a self-directed learner and an active contributor to the state, which enhances productivity (MOF, 2012a). 3.4 percent of the total expenditure mentioned in the budget for the FY2012 has been dedicated to the National Research Fund with the objective of making Singapore a R&D hub and a competitive and innovative economy (MOF, 2012b). In 2011 this expenditure accounted for 2.3 percent of GDP of the country, and in 2010 this proportion was 2.1 percent of the GDP (MOF, 2012b). This shows that the country has focused on improvin g on the productivity via innovation and knowledge-base. A sum of $458.4 million had been allocated for promoting communication technology in FY2012. The strategies were to encourage demand for Infocomm Technology (ICT), create innovative services and establishing policies regulations to sustain new ICT developments (MOF, 2012c). Economic restructuring The Government plays a dominant role in catalysing economic restructur

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Forensic Computing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Forensic Computing - Case Study Example This involves data recoveries, retrievals, analysis, and tracing and decrypting of all the data that has been used in any deceitful activity. The word forensic is used in the context of legal argumentation. Forensic computing is also termed as digital forensics and cyber forensics. It is a branch of forensics related to computer and other digital media. It involves collection, preservation and analysis of the data available on the computer. The definition presented by Computer Forensic world: the field primarily involves â€Å"use of analytical and investigative techniques to identify, collect, examine, and preserve evidence /information which is magnetically stored or encoded† (1). In other words, forensic computing deals with retrieval of data, and events reconstruction that was performed over the digital media. The scope of forensic investigation involves audio examinations, signal interpretation, repairing the damaged media. Photogrammetry is another aspect of digital fore nsic tracking that includes measuring and monitoring the physical measures of an image by making use of geometric formulae and then making a comparison based on on-site observations. Several factors come as constraints along with computer forensics and the first being the costs since all the equipment used in these processes is high tech and state of the art, large investments are inducted into it. The second hurdle that could be faced by the forensic body is the approval and acceptance of all the proofs by the court. They must prove it to the court that no information is altered and all the legal responsibilities have been fulfilled while conducting the operations. The staff inducted in digital forensic must be knowledgeable and should be able to think about many possibilities and should have knowledge beyond the books. Potential clues and areas that the forensic team would target DNA samples Voice samples Any image used in the process The network used for performing the task ( usu ally in case of credit card and bank accounts forgery) Fingerprints on the electronic equipments Answering machines recordings Miscellaneous electronic equipment Introduction: The aim of forensic computing is to make online activities secure, stop illegal activities that are going on, identify and apprehend the guilty, avoid financial and personal damages to individuals and organizations that might be incurred by the online use. Standard procedures must be followed and all the evidence brought in front of the court must be in a formal pattern that can stand as evidence. In case of actions, warrants are obtained from the authorities for the areas and houses that are suspected of any wrongdoings. A giant step in the direction of forensic computing was taken in 1984 when the F.B.I Magnetic Media Program was created which was later converted into Computer Analysis and Response Team (C.A.R.T). F.B.I report for the year 2003 reported a total of $900,000 netted through computer crime (2). By 2003 F.B.I (C.A.R.T) were looking into 783 terabytes of data as a case of forensic evidence and cases handling. In 1997 G8 ordered training of individuals for looking into matters related to online counterfeit activities .C.A.R.T provides assistance to F.B.I in tracking e-evidence and accessing the accounts and provides other technical support needed by F.B.I in conducting forensic activities. Part of C.A.R.T job is to monitor live activities that are going online. Their task is to provide monitoring in business environment including the banks and government-owned organizations, insurance companies, personal accounts that contain the people’s private life and their safety concerned, corporate level that includes the annual reports, facts and data and institutes of any region whose data can be misused by any fraudulent activities performed online.     Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Economic policy and global environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic policy and global environment - Essay Example Over the span of the last decade, Singapore’s economy has shown growth at an average rate of 5 percent per annum (Ministry Of Manpower, 2013). Average growth rate of real GDP has been maintained at 8.6 percent between the years 2004 and 2007. Although the growth slackened in 2009 as an influence of the financial that hit almost all countries in the world, the economy rebounded by a growth rate of 14.8 percent in 2010 (CIA, 2013). At present the country’s GDP is $325.1 billion (2012 estimate) (CIA, 2013). This growth has been achieved through increase in productivity in the different sectors in the economy; particularly the financial services sector has depicted significant improvement. Average productivity growth has been nearly 1 percent per annum. The growth rate has matched pace with the productivity growth rate found in other developed nations. The broad range of the citizens of Singapore also enjoyed the benefits of increasing real wage rate. This has in effect led to an increase their standard of living. The government must play an active role in developing a pulsating style of life for the average Singaporean and transform the country into a distinctly recognizable global city and â€Å"a leading cultural capital† (Ministry of Finance, n.d.), containing such good attributes as, openness, integrity and diversity (NPTD, 2013). Growth in productivity allows the country to make it the most excellent place to live and grow, â€Å"a home that provides an outstanding quality of life† (MOF, n.d.) for the people. Utilization of sound financial system: vast public expenditures The remarkable growth in productivity in the economy has been possible through strategic participation of the government sector in the growth process along with the private sector. The government of Singapore has a sound finance system. Unlike those other governments, Singapore does not face the threat of deep slashes in public expenditure or rising tax rates as a n aftermath of financial crisis. Therefore, the Government can make vast expenditures in the field of quality education, research and development, development of infrastructure and communication. A total budget of US $10.6 billion was allocated to the Ministry Of Education Government for FY2012, The major proportion of which has been dedicated to the development of special education schools, poly technique colleges and technical education institutes. This creates a self-directed learner and an active contributor to the state, which enhances productivity (MOF, 2012a). 3.4 percent of the total expenditure mentioned in the budget for the FY2012 has been dedicated to the National Research Fund with the objective of making Singapore a R&D hub and a competitive and innovative economy (MOF, 2012b). In 2011 this expenditure accounted for 2.3 percent of GDP of the country, and in 2010 this proportion was 2.1 percent of the GDP (MOF, 2012b). This shows that the country has focused on improvin g on the productivity via innovation and knowledge-base. A sum of $458.4 million had been allocated for promoting communication technology in FY2012. The strategies were to encourage demand for Infocomm Technology (ICT), create innovative services and establishing policies regulations to sustain new ICT developments (MOF, 2012c). Economic restructuring The Government plays a dominant role in catalysing economic restructur

Helios Essay Example for Free

Helios Essay The author makes a point that the corporations should look to the city of Helios for new business opportunities or a new location. Author makes this point on the evidence that the unemployment in the city has been lower when compared to the regional average and that it has historically provided more manufacturing jobs than its share of the region. Further, the author says that Helios is attemption to expand its economic base by attracting companies to focus on Research an developmen of innovative technologies. However, the evidence provided by the author does not straight away lead to the conclusion that the corporations should consider Helios as a new location for seeking business opportunity. The following paragraphs explains how the evidence is not sufficient and the assumption incorrect. Firstly, the author states that the unemployment rate was lower in Helios when compared to the regional average. However, Helios being a industrial center of a particular region, its unemployement rate cant be compared with the region, but shall be compared with other developed cities. Further, author states that Helios has provide more than its share of regions manufacturing jobs. It fails to provide the information regarding its share of jobs in other sectors. The author wrongly assumes that the high share of jobs in manufacturing sector as a representative of its share of total jobs. Further, unemployment rate and high share of manufacturing jobs are not the criterions that corporations look for when investing in a new location. The author should have provided some other information which corporations look for in order to make a more logical conclusion. Further, author states that Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies. Author fails to state what is being offered by Helios to attract the corporations. Author once again fails to provide complete information. Author must have stated the various schemes, stimulus packages, tax exemptions, land allocation etc which could be offered to the companies if they invest in Helios. Thus, the author does not provide valid evidences and complete information in order to evaluate the argument putforth. Author should provide additional specific and relvant information so that corporation can evaluate whether to invest in Helios or not.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Examining The Match Fixing Of Sports Games Information Technology Essay

Examining The Match Fixing Of Sports Games Information Technology Essay Nowadays match-fixing is done in organized sports. Match-fixing is a done in the sports as a game played at a predetermined result. In whole or in part, in violation of rules and often the law as well. If the race is a sporting competition in question, the event is called a record of the race fixing. Games, are know as thrown games which are lost deliberately. When a team intentionally lose a game or have not been as high as you can get a perceived future competitive advantages rather than the players could participate, the team is often said that he plunged the game instead of throwing it. HOW IT WORKS:- Thrown into the game when motivation for the game(thrown game), need contacts or agents between players, gamblers, team officials and/or arbitrator. These contacts and bookies can sometimes be found and lead to prosecution by law or by the sports leagues. In contrast, the inner tank is individual act of team so it is hard to prove. Often by replacing the coach is designed to increase the chances of the losing team, often containing one or more key players sit, rather than order the players on the field made intentionally under perform, was cited as a major factor in cases where the reservoir has been claimed. Most of the time match-fixing is not an individual act. There are countries, groups, bookies or gamblers, team management, players, referees or umpires. To investigate match-fixing using link analysis we start from the top node means country and go down to the last node means players. Link analysis often explores associations among different object of different types. For investigating match-fixing application we might examine relationships among suspects, including their home addresses, hotels they stayed in, wire communication received and sent, flight schedules, hotel check in and outs, telephone numbers they dialled or received during the suspected time. All these things have been checked for each and every node, for players to bookies to team management and so. The ability of link analysis is to represent relationships and associations among objects of different types has proven crucial in helping us in investigating comprehend complex webs of evidence and draw conclusions that are not appeared from any single piece of information. Link analysis can be used to expose the underlying patterns and behaviours pertaining to match-fixing investigators. As we know link analysis is a data mining technique that reveals the structure and content of a body of information by representing it as a set of interconnected, linked objects or entities. For a match-fixing investigator first analysis the match, then look for individual acts of different nodes. Investigate the hotel check in and out of each node, telephone records, meetings, bank details, money in and out. These all Beeb examined by link analysis and look for some common nodes. Linkage data is typically modelled as a graph with nodes representing suspects of interest to the analyst and the links representing relationships and transactions. Like collection of telephone data with phone numbers, times of calls, and duration of calls. By collecting all these information and putting all this on a graph representing each with nodes and link them, it will be much easy to investigate the match-fixing process. Q-2. Write an essay on each of the following topics: Industrial Espionage; Executive Fraud; Cyber Extortion. INTRODUCTION:- One of the troubles within grounds of information pledge is that there are few creditable threats of information systems. We also find problems, troubles of facts compilation during this part, with no departing into facts there are many reasons to believe that many people do not realize that the intrusion occurred and that many of those was not reported so that the growth of numerical stand permits. The US National Counter intelligence Centre (NACIC) which afterwards turn into the agency of the state Counter intelligence exclusive (ONCIX) have be staling yearly towards Congress ever since 1995 on strange financial compilation plus industrialized spying. industrialized spying is performed into two major types. Here short, the reason of spying is in the direction of obtain facts or information concerning organizations. This might comprise the attainment of academic possessions such as industrialized production data, ideas, methods and procedures, recipes and formulas. Or acquisition of any protected information and operational data such as customer databases, pricing, research and development, sales, pricing, marketing, policies, quotes, design strategies or marketing or change the composition and production. It also involve specific activities like trade secrets, bribery, extortion, and technology watch. As well as orchestrate a trade organizations and espionage, governments may exist as goals. For instance establish the conditions of the contract bidding for the governments to underbid each other bidders. industrialized spying is mainly usually linked by technology-heavy businesses, as well as PC software plus hardware, biotechnology, aerospace, telecommunications, hauling plus mechanism skill, automobiles, machinetools, energy, fabrics plus covering furthermore so on. Silicon Valley, be well-known near live one of the worlds mainly aimed regions intended for spying, however, inside result, some business by information of employ to contestants maybe an objective. RISK FACTORS:- The main danger issues for failure of confidential data and academic possessions amongst every one responding corporations be previous workers, overseas players, domestic competitors, on-site freelancers. Hackers may too be quoted the same as a main cause of alarm in several regions. The area most frequently cited risk of incident was reported by companies are research and development(49%), client records plus linked statistics (36%) and fiscal statistics(27%). The number of incidents reported the order was customer data. Strategic plans financial data. Research and development. THE EFFECT OF LOSS:- Among all companies the biggest impact of the loss of confidential information increased legal costs and lost income. designed for big organisations defeat cut-throat benefit be the mainly grave trouble. For Financial companies the most annoying problem was embarrassment and used for high-tech organisations vital subject be the defeat of passive benefit. The evaluation of the order or the value of logical possessions be the liability of the patent and in home advice who stand their judgements of competitive gain, productivity plus investigate with growth criterion. USE OF COMPUTERS AND INTERNET:- Computers have become an essential practice of industrial espionage and large amount of information can easily be copied and transmitted. Computer used to have augmented quickly in spying during the 1990s. Data have be frequently taken away or duplicated as of unwatched pcs. The term bag-op is used in the tavern employees to contact information, such like laptops, tavern rooms, data may be taken away in shipment, taxis, baggage counters on the airfield baggage carousels plus trains and so on. EXECUTIVE FRAUD:- A disgruntled employee of a large international company left a message on the fraud hot line of the company, indicating he had information about fraud conducted by a number of business leaders. Within hours, the third party independent of the fraud hot line has been contacted and the employee is dissatisfied with the initial information that is collected. Shortly thereafter, the president of the companys audit committee informed the initial request. Such claims are not taken lightly in any case, but something about the caller and the information presented in the body a little extra credibility, he remained a firm conduct a full investigation. Within 24 hours, the firm has been the team of investigators to the site. The first efforts of investigators were to meet the disgruntled employee, or ant other information related to fraud. The information collected at this meeting suggested that the amount of fraud is easily in millions of dollars. Early data indicate that several key leaders of the business potential conspirators in the conspiracy to inflate company revenue to increase corporate profit and therefore, the annual salaries and bonuses to executives. The lawyer representing the firm hired to conduct the survey claimed responsibility for leading the investigation. In a large investigation team, composed of over 20 financial accountants, tax accountants and corporate lawyers, as well as computer forensic were together. There were three objectives outlined in the test group; To determine whether fraudulent activity has occurred. To examine e-mail, internal communications and computer systems all potentially affected parties in an attempt to prove and/or documents in support of the alleged fraud. To identify all the financial measure of the alleged fraud and knowing exactly how the restatements, which will surely be made. The case study focuses on the second goal. What does work, assuming that investigators have discovered that a number of fraudulent activity took place. This is not a weak hypothesis, and we ensure that only the short and in the heart of the matter. We do not want to suggest, even in the current context of financial scandals, allegations of fraud, immediately, is the truth. These claims must be carefully considered in this case. CYBER EXTORTION:- Cyber extortion is an attack or threat of crime against a company in which the coupled with demand for money to prevent or stop the attack. Cyber extortion have many forms, initially, denial of service(DOS) attack were the most common method. In recent years Cyber criminals have developed enough knowledge to encrypt information from victim. The attacker then request money for the decryption key. As the number of companies that rely on the internet for their business has increased, opportunities for Cyber extortionists also exploded. The likelihood of the recognition, seizure plus trial is less as Cyber extortionist generally operate from countires other than the preys plus the utilization of nameless financial statements plus bogus electronic post addresses. Cyber extortion can be lucrative, compensation of millions of dollars annually attackers. A typical attack is due to the demand of thousands of US dollars. Payment dose not guarantee that new attack not occurs by the same group or another Cyber extortionist group. Coordinated efforts and high technology use, some Cyber extortionists found and some arrests has been made, prosecuted, sentenced to prison. However, according to some reports, most episodes Cyber extortion was unreported because victims do not want the publicity, and so, majority of reported attacks do not result in arrests. Criminals groups be more and more with the internet as a instrument for extortion of cash from companies. Many of dispersed refutation of examination assaults happening in the world daily, plus it is vital to superior administration be alert of the extremely genuine danger of such an attack. As we explain that in current time, some corporations contain shifted their industry procedures online plus e-commerce have been a major basis of economic enlargement. Though the increase of the internet use has many advantages, also it includes a number of threats in the shape of bugs, hackers, malware, plus worms. Mainly businesses be conscious of these dangers plus suitable procedures and technologies, rather than lessen these. Although in current time, these dangers on the internet were made in a malicious and complicated way, bug scripting is not a hobby for youths by too a good deal of moment on their self, in its place of bugs may now printed in cyber-criminals stimulated organized solely for the cash. EXTORTION: A RISING DILEMMA:- Those illegals be more and more via the way named as dispersed denial of services(DDoS). DDoS assaults started amid the only reason of contravention the organisations net-site or server through attacking those as sachet of statistics, typically within the shapes of net appeal or electronic post. nothing like sole font assaults, the attacker compromises between several pcs, which, consecutively, contaminate many of previous pcs, you can work with agents of the attack. Those contaminated pcs, recognized as zombies or spam, after that begin overflowing the preys site inquiries, the creation of an enormous flow of facts and eliminate the goals location, therefore stopping it as of giving a service. BUSINESS AT RISK:- The cost of a DDoS attack is important, and it is calculated to in excess of 10,000 place each day around the world have been attacked. DDoS extortion assaults be at first used next to online betting spots. Criminals groups to launch assaults to take the location downwards ahead of a large fair occasion, the smash up caused to the maximum. at the present, though, DDoS assaults maybe used towards extracting cash from every one types of business. The truth is that not a single corporation be secure. Lack of awareness is making businesses vulnerable. THE FUTURE OF ONLINE EXTORTION: Initially, the extortionist celebrated a good deal of success. The cost associated with the fight against the hackers usually exceeds the cost of extortion payment. So many online businesses declined and paid the ransom. Once the Betcris situation drain, online gaming companies have realized that they have no other choice. It is also recognized that the long term consequences of this war, extortion could very well be the optimal course of action. The lessons of recent years, the gaming industry have an interest in many other types of businesses. The attacks on these gaming sites. Q3 (Stream Cipher) Investigate the use of the Berlekamp-Massy algorithm as a cryptanalysis tool. Ans: INTRODUCTION: Nowadays many modern and reasonable secure communication systems like Personnel Computers, networks, SSL, mobile phone, Bluetooth etc. oblige a soaring pace binary encoding algorithms to encrypt messages that can be millions of fragment extensive and remarkable exhibit formation. The most frequently used encryption of this case is flow cipher. A flow cipher encryption explains the process itself which is to encrypt binary plain text one bit at a time. Mostly and easiest flow cipher utilized for encrypting binary plaintext is where a point intermission of a imitation accidental progression is connected with section two of XOR with the plaintext bit mt, with cipher text bit represented by ct. following expression shows the simple stream cipher explanation: ct = mt à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ zt where à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ denotes XOR(Exclusive OR). The decryption procedure could be articulated as: mt = ct à ¢Ã…  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ zt It should be noted from the equations that both encryption and decryption require to be capable of generating the alike key flow progression zt. The encryption key K is the preliminary beginning to begin the producer. Either the encryptor or decryptor has to deal with this key. The most frequent approach of shaping the streams is that zt be implemented to non-linear boolean function f of the invention of binary progressions by linear feedback shift register (LFSRs) which is distinctive prehistoric polynomial. CRYPTOGRAPHY: Cryptography or cryptology is a local office of computer science and mathematics copping with data security and relevant matters mainly encryption and verification and applications like access monitor. Cryptography is an interdisciplinary matter, founded on some grounds. Before the start of 20th century, cryptography was principally worried about linguistic prototypes. As the result, the concentration has been boosted and cryptography is widely using mathematics. Cryptography is the subdivision of manufacturing as well but an extraordinary one, as it is only deal of energetic, intellectual and malicious disagreement. Cryptography is the major means for data security and system such as access monitor and discretion. Cryptography has many implementations influencing the life on a daily basis of the security like electronic commerce, computer passwords and ATM cards, they all based on cryptography. 1.1 STREAM CIPHER:- In cryptography, a stream cipher is a symmetric encryption algorithm, where plaintext digits encrypted one at the same time and succeeding digits differ throughout the procedure of encryption. Following figure show the encryption of each digit bases on the present situation, typically one bit at the same time. Stream cipher corresponds to a diverse method to symmetric encryption as compared to block cipher. Block cipher working with great masses of digits in the fixed steady conversion. This feature is not constantly simple. Some functions apply block cipher prehistoric effectively as compared to stream cipher. Stream cipher is usually performed at superior speeds as compared to block cipher and connected to lower hardware complexity. There are some popular stream ciphers RC4, applied in Netscapes Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. A5, in the global scheme for mobile message (GSM). Bluetooth stream cipher, criterion of wireless short-term connectivity, particular of the blue tooth particular attention group. Word-oriented tributary codes, appropriate pro software functioning (e.g. SNOW, SOBER, SCREAM). Tributary code forms of process of mass code (e.g. code response, productivity advice style of triple DES or AES). CRYPTANALYSIS:- Cryptanalysis is analysis or study the method to obtain the encrypted data, lacking right of entry towards undisclosed data usually needed to perform it. That typically entails ruling the underground input. Non-technically it is the exercise of contra-venting the cipher or demolishing the cipher other than that verdicts may also contain a particular method story. Cryptanalysis may also be used towards demote towards one effort en route for evading the safety of previous kinds of cryptographic algorithms plus procedures in common, not immediately encryption. though, cryptanalysis typically leave out the option so as to the assaults be not chiefly goal flaws real cryptographic ways such like dishonesty, bodily compulsion, theft, input classification plus hence on. Even though the last kind of assault be significant towards influence the safety of pcs plus extra effectual then usual cryptanalysis. THE BERLEKAMP-MASSEY ALGORITHM:- The linear difficulty of dual sequences of the span of the smallest LFSR that can be produced in the series. For a series it is also suitable to use an enciphering succession inside a tributary code it be vital so as to it have a adequately big linear difficulty. Readily available are two shapes of linear difficulty, worldwide linear difficulty endless dual series in the same period, and the limited linear difficulty of dual series of limited span. Any finite binary sequence of period p can be generated by linear reappearance of span p otherwise fewer. The linear difficulty of the smallest series of such a recurrence is to establish the series. This is equivalent to saying that the linear complexity is the span of the smallest LFSR to make the series. The berlekamp-massey algorithm be an effectual process for searching the shortest length LFSR of a known limited series. If the linear complexity is m, the algorithm requires at least 2m bit series. If the encryption key has the small linear complexity, then it will be replicate to short LFSR. This is not desirable, therefore, the encryption key must has a large linear complexity. The following is the berlekamp-massey algorithm that is expert in the distinctive dual limited grounds F2 and GF(2). The parts 0 plus 1 in the ground processes + as well as is the similar plus go round to be the only possessions elite OR operation(XOR). * The development worker is a consistent and process. The distribution operator increases to the personality operation i.e. the area defined in the for the dividing by 1 and x/1=1. Let s0, s1,s3,..Sn be the bits of stream. F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 B(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 L à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  0 bà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 Nà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  0 If N=n, Stop. If d=0, then D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  D+1 and got if d à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0 and 2L>N, then F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  F(x)-dB-1xDB(x) Dà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ D+1 if d à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  0 and 2Là ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤N, then T(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  F(x) {temporary storage of F(x)} F(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ F(x) dB-1xDB(x) Là ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ N+1-L B(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚ T(x) B à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  d D à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  1 N à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã‚  N+1. This section describes the execution of the berlekamp-massey algorithm to discover the linear complication of a mentioned series. Two new methods for encrypting data stream are, an attack first known attack using the combination part of the assumption that the data are a major threat to the right answer. The second method, an attacker combines part of the discovery of unknown behaviour (truth table), the combination of the algorithm into two parts. Once upon a time, we look for the fact table of the connecting element, we, afterwards, discover the preliminary principles of the record keeping part or drawing a map combining some functions to help you reverse engineering algorithm for reconstruction and participate in the combines. There are mostly two algorithms used: Algorithm A Take the digits of b with highest (conditional) probability p* as a guess of the sequence a at the corresponding positions. Approximately n digits are required to find a by solving linear equations. Computational complexity: O(2cn), 0 complexity is exponential. c is a function of t and N/n. Example: c = 0.012 if p = 0.75 and N/n = 100. Algorithm B 1. Assign the correlation probability p to every digit of b 2. To every digit of b assign the new probability p* . Iterate this step a number of times. 3. Complement those digits of b with p* (suitable threshold). 4. Stop, if b satisfies the basic relation of the LFSR, else go to 1. The number of iterations in 2. and the probability shreshold in 3. have to be adequately chosen to obtain maximum correction effect. CONCLUSION:- It can be concluded that as a consequence of applying the methods under study: encryption stream is not recommended to use confidentiality because the stream cipher is vulnerable to prevent a planned attack suggested that the number of LFSR is a part that must go over the capability to carry out the algorithm, which refers the number of LFSR must be above 20 with current computing ability. Q.4. (Artificial Intelligence) Investigate the use of Expert Systems as a tool in security systems. Give examples and references to support your arguments and concluding remarks. EXPERT SYSTEM:- The definition of an expert system is a computer program that simulates thought processes of a human expert to solve complex problems of decision in the specific field. The characteristics of expert systems that make them different from traditional programming and traditional harvest support tools are explained later. The growth of expert systems has been continue several years ago. Continued growth, many new and exciting applications appear. A system of peer review works as an interactive system that responded to questions and inquiries, recommendation and usually helps in decision making. Expert systems advice and guidance on a wide range of activities, computer-based diagnostics, medical surgery etc. Various definitions of expert systems proposed by several authors. A general definition that describes the intended functions of experts systems: The expert system is a computerized interactive decision tool that the use use of facts and heuristics to solve the problems of a difficult decision based on knowledge from the expert. The expert system can be considered a computer simulation of human experts. Expert systems is an emerging technology in many areas as possible applications. Applications move from MYCIN, used in medical diagnose infectious diseases in blood, to XCON, used to configure the computer systems. These expert systems have been very good. Most expert systems applications fall in the following categories: identification and interpretation. Plan Diagnosis Planning Designing Monitoring Debug and test Education and training Controlling Applications that are computation and deterministic, is not good candidates for expert systems. The traditional decision-making, such as spreadsheets are very mechanically, they solve problems. Work based on mathematical operators and logical in their execution, and receives one and only one static solution for a data set. Calculation intensive most demanding applications extremely rigorous to better manage traditional tools for decision support or traditional programming. The best application candidates for heuristics expert systems or expert problems. Following are fundamentals of expert systems: Traditional computer programs are based on facts knowledge, the convincing power of computers. However, the people, solve problems based on a mixture of facts and heuristics. Heuristics knowledge composed of intuition, conviction and logical conclusions, the unchallenged power of the people. An expert systems for success are those that combine facts and heuristics, and thus unite the human knowledge computer to solve problems. SPECIAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES:- Expert systems are usually written in specific programming languages. The languages such as LISP and PROLOG development expert system simplifies the encoding process. The big advantage of these languages over traditional programming languages is the simplicity. In addition, elimination or substitution of the new regulation and memory management capabilities. A feature of some programming languages required for expert systems work are as follows: Efficient mixing of the whole and real variable. Good procedures for memory management. Extensive data manipulation routines. Incremental compilation. The memory architecture tagged. Optimization of environmental systems. Procedures for effective research.